This Little Pig Went to Market

This fine little lady was exhibited recently at Bricklane Gallery in London and was sold to a buyer from Lucerne in Switzerland.

The buyer remarked, “As soon I entered the gallery this pig spoke to me.” So we know she will be happy in her new home.

Little Pig

About Me

Art has always been an important part of my life.

I trained as an Art teacher in Liverpool and later moved to Cornwall where I was captivated by the landscape and coastline.

I live in Truro and work in my small studio dividing my time between ceramic work and painting. My watercolours are often inspired by the light and colours of Cornwall. I have developed my painting skills through a variety of workshops at St Ives School of Painting.

I try through my animal sculptures to bring personality and humour into my work. I hope that they bring a smile to anyone who sees them.

Newquay Harbour


I started to create portrait heads after working with a group of artists in Wales and West Dean College in Sussex and have received several commissions.

I have exhibited at Prideaux Place in Padstow and more recently at the Poly in Falmouth. I also have exhibited several times with Truro Arts Society and Cornwall Glass and Ceramics Group.

If you are interested in what you have seen on my website you are always welcome to contact me to see further examples of my work.